project details


DependablePools is a local pool construction firm. Being in business for many decades, they realized their website needed to be modernized and contacted us.

Built with

HTML5, Javascript, CSS, Webflow, Webflow Hosting
Services provided
Web Development
Web Design
client solutions

How we changed the way DependablePools built their online presence.

See what BizBeams professionals can do for your business.

Web Design & Development

DependablePools has been in business since 2004. Established during the early ages of the internet, they continued to conduct business with the original site from the time. Once the owners decided it was time for a re-design, they contact us. The BizBeams team was with them every step of the way to build a new industrial style website that not only was beautiful but fit their marketing needs.

Content Management System (CMS)

With a long tenure, the company needed a system to import their projects to their portfolio fast. We built them the perfect easy-to-use CMS system to quickly import their projects from spreadsheets and more.